This is my Valorant Map concept which takes inspiration from the maps Split, Haven, Ice Box, and Breeze. For this map, I wanted more focus on a variety of elevations while keeping the pathing simple. I took into account what possible angles and trade offs each path will have and its rewards.
I plan to learn Unreal Engine next and implement the map to further edit and improve my idea.
Valorant Map Concept
Map Concept: Chasm
A hybrid between a natural canyon and biomechanical technology.
Top: Video time-lapse of the concept process
Right: Screenshots taken from the concept video of various stages throughout the design process
Behind the Thought Process
B Site
A Site
For B Site, I wanted it to be much more open but the tradeoffs were that there would be more angles to check.
On the right would be Rafters and below would be mid Doors. I liked the concept of doors underneath halls on Breeze so I put it in much higher in Mid as it would reward Attackers for advancing through tight spaces.
Back site would be Halls where someone like Chamber or Omen could hold but TP behind closer to CT when pushed, having someone Rafters would hold for them.
For Rafters, I wanted some kind of elevation like B site on Split does but with some sort of cover, like the wall planes on Icebox since there's not much room up there to work with. That is something I'm willing to further work on once implented in Unreal.
On A Site, it's much more compact than B. Two ways to enter are through Short and Main.
By going through short, you will have to walk upwards through tight corners, while open to Mid, to advance onto site. By going through Main, someone may hold you off in an Ego Peek but return shortly if they miss. Going through the choke, people may be Heaven or back site behind the boxes holding you.
Rafters and Heaven would be connected in the corner through a zip that's connected to Hell. While having the height advantage, it's easy to be flanked if no one is able to cover you from below. I was inspired by bunkers used in wars but if they were elevated instead of underground. Rafters would be used to hold people coming from Short but there would be wall paneling to protect against an entirely open peek.
Mid is used for easy rotates from both sides but the trade off is that it's extremely open and risky to run through.
As seen on other maps, Defenders have a large window in order to hold almost the entirety of Mid. Here, Mid only has the top half in view and the choke to advance from the bottom half. This is made to hold any rotates from Attackers if they decide to go through without the need to be fully exposed.
The easiest way to control mid would be to smoke Window and hold the entrances to the site you're facing. I also wanted Mid to be a good path for Eco rounds so there is potential for lots of shotgun and SMG fights.
If done properly, going through Mid would be the best way to counter Defenders that are playing back site which rewards Attackers for using this path.
B Main
A Main
B Main is a little underwhelming compared to A Main. What I would do to improve it would be to add a large box like in Split to give Attackers a little cover. or extend either side of the wall to act as a wall against the hold from Halls. The right side of B into Mid would be elevated, in game I would make it a little larger and longer but it was hard to translate the idea on a flat 2D map.
For A, I wasn't sure what to put in Main to contest over so for first iteration, I put in a mid height pillar to help cover the Rafters and Heaven hold. Someone Window would hold heaven as the team smokes and run through the choke. The window and small cubby to the right also acts as a spot to play post plant although they can easily be walled off. I want Mid to be a more popular path to traverse compared to other maps where some are afraid to push due to the openness.